Thursday, September 4, 2014


I spent some time with, Juli, one of my housemates today. We walked through a shopping area and then she showed me Plaza Moreno, which is the center of the city. There is a giant cathedral there and it is unbelievably detailed. So beautiful.

When we got back we were tired from all of the walking. She suggested that we drink some mate because that is just what you do here, so we sat down at the dining room table with our computers and started sipping away.

Juli offered me some of the little cookies she bought at the corner on our way home. I ate one because I want to try everything, but then I stopped because I didn't want to eat them all. Juli noticed and said, "Amanda, ¡acompáñame! ¡Coma!" So I did. I accompanied her while we ate cookies and drank mate.

This is what accompaniment looked like for me today. Juli accompanied me in figuring out where the heck I am in this little city and I accompanied her in eating cookies.

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